Thursday, April 24, 2008

May Day March

Starting at 10am on Saturday May 3rd, this year's May Day March will culminate in a mini-festival on the Barr Smith lawns at the University of Adelaide. There will be a bouncy castle and performances by the Ticklish Allsorts for kids, great food and a few speeches from members of the union movement.

This year's rally will also be focussing on the disgraceful WorkCover legislation being pushed through parliament by the State Government. These reforms should be of major concern to all working people in South Australia. Not unlike the Howard Governments WorkChoices legislation, the proposed WorkCover changes will take away many of the protections that have been fought for and won by the union movement over the years.

So, bring the family into town on Saturday May 3rd to support this important day for the working people of South Australia. Look out for the AEU banner at Victoria Square.

We recommend cheap parking nearby at the Central Market. It's only a few dollars for 2 hours. Hope to see you there on May 3rd. Click here to download the May Day flyer for distribution to your email contacts.

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