Friday, April 11, 2008

'Chalkies' Returns

The hit show which had teachers rolling in the aisles, wowing sellout crowds at Maxim's Wine Bar in the 2008 Adelaide Fringe, will enjoy a return season at Holden Street Theatres from Friday to Sunday, April 18-20 and 25-27 at 8 p.m.

Produced by Matt Byrne, Chalkies received rave reviews during the 2008 Fringe Season.

"Chalkies is a school excursion well worth a forged permission slip: A+" - ATG.

"Top of the class! A+." - db Magazine

One teacher summed it up on the TalkFringe website:

Jan wrote: "The chalkies team had Friday's full house in fits of laughter from start to finish. I'm a teacher and these guys nailed it. Wonderful!"

Bookings can be made through Venue Tix on 8225 8888

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