Thursday, May 15, 2008

Independent Education Union sends message of support...


Your campaign emphasises that there is more that unites our unions than divides us.

Governments are all too willing to dump social and political expectations on schools as a quick fix but are reluctant to foot the bill.

Flagpoles, A to E reporting, drug education, financial literacy, sex education, fitness, obesity, employability skills ... and the list goes on

Top quality education is every student's right.

Top quality education cannot be delivered by simply overloading and undervaluing the teaching and non-teaching staff who are charged with delivering it.

We have top class people struggling against the odds to deliver top class education.

They do not deserve the lowest pay rates in the country.

They need to have a career structure which attracts the brightest and the best - and retains them - and values them.

You need facilities and conditions that give you an even chance of being able to go home tired at night with some comfort that you made a difference.

The IEU joins with our colleagues in the AEU in the struggle to get proper recognition for the profession from the employer of two thirds of the education staff in SA.

If this job is worth doing it is worth doing well.

If it is worth doing well it is worth the recognition and resourcing to allow it to be done well.

Mike Rann - you have shafted workers with your WorkCover changes - don't do the same to our education workers.

That is adding insult to injury.

Glen Seidel

IEU Secretary

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